You can send logs to by issuing a POST request to your personal logs endpoint.

The payload for the request is a JSON array of log messages. Each message should contain:

To see sample payloads for each of your environments and your personal endpoint, please see the Environments section of the Configure Project page.

Screenshot 2023-01-05 at 11.37.34 AM.png

Log Properties


Name Type Description Example
Level number Trace = 0, Debug = 1, Info = 2, Warn = 3, Error = 4, Fatal = 5 4
Message string The log message An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request.
TimeStamp datetime the time the log was generated in ISO 8601 (round trip) format 2022-11-23T18:39:35.8283321+00:00
Runtime string dotnet-csharp, v8-javascript or node-javascript, python-traceback dotnet-csharp
OrganizationId string Your organization Id [Use the value provided in the example payload]
ProjectId string Your project Id [Use the value provided in the example payload for your project]
EnvironmentId string The Id of the environment that is generating the log [Use the value provided in the example payload for your environment]


Name Type Description Example
Exception string String representation of an exception with a stack trace. For C# this should be the equivalent of Exception.ToString() System.OutOfMemoryException: Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program.
at Program.Main() in C:\\code\\Program.cs:line 42 |

| Properties | key value pairs | Additional properties of the message. For example: trace Id, span Id, request context, url | { "YourProperty1":"YourValue1", "YourProperty2":”YourValue2” } |